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Providing Liquidity

  1. Select "Add Liquidity."


  2. Choose the token pair you wish to provide liquidity for from the dropdown menu.


  3. Enter the amount for one of the tokens. The price ratio for the token pair must be offered 1:1, so when you enter the amount for one token, the required amount for the other token will be automatically displayed based on the rate.


  4. Click "Supply" to approve the liquidity provision transaction in your wallet.

  5. Once the transaction is processed on the blockchain, it will reflect in the liquidity pool.

Withdrawing Liquidity

  1. From the "Pool" screen, select "Manage" for the liquidity pair you are providing and click "Remove."


  2. Select the percentage you wish to withdraw and click "Approve" followed by "Remove," then approve the transaction in your wallet.


  3. The selected percentage of the token pair will be unlocked, and the original tokens (in the above screenshot example, JOC and USDTX) will be returned to your wallet.